Post 1

Hey, my name is Stephanie.  I was watching the latest episode of Girls tonight and suddenly decided that I wanted to make a blog.  I’m not sure if I’m going to show everyone I know and post this all over social media or if this will just be my secret diary.

What I learned about myself this weekend: I like being alone more than I realized.  Usually I’m the first person to ask my bf or bff if they want to come on a run or lie by the pool with me.  This weekend no one was available, but I was determined to enjoy the beautiful 78 degree weather in Miami.  AND I HAD A GREAT TIME. I listened to all my favorite Paramore and All Time Low songs pausing when I wanted to ease drop on the conversations of a group of 20 something year old guys sunbathing a few chairs away from me or turn it up really loud and dance a little as I was turned a corner on Brickell Key without fear of someone I know seeing me. I was in no rush.  I was able to just sit on a ledge overlooking Biscayne Bay while pelicans flew over head.  Being alone allowed me time to think, just think.  “What will my new job be like?” “Should I get a smoothie?”  “I’m so lucky to be able to be this care free.”

My advice to you and myself: Take time to do things you love by yourself.  Its calming and restorative. Also, always get the smoothie.



  1. shreyakhetan · February 13, 2017

    “Take time to do things you love by yourself. Its calming and restorative. Also, always get the smoothie. ”
    Haha!! Smoothies never hurt anyone (;
    Your first post is great. Blogging is a great experience, it helps you meet like minded people plus it’s a great platform to put across your thoughts. I’m glad to have met you here , hope you have an awesome week ahead xoxo


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